26 January 2023
National Lottery Community Projects provides £34,000 to Ludlow

South Shropshire MP Philip Dunne welcomes grants from the National Lottery’s Community Fund which between August and November last year funded £34,000 for community activities locally.

The National Lottery’s community work contributes more than £100m of national funding to charities and community groups across England.

Over 2,500 grants ranging between £350 and £50,000 have been made to support community projects, restore local facilities, and help improve mental health and physical well-being.

Funding helps local volunteers and non-for-profit organisations provide for those who need help with mental health, employability, social isolation, and loneliness, and offering vital support and advocacy for those at risk of experiencing homelessness through the cold winter months.

The National Lottery is currently also helping individuals through the cost of living with their programme “We are Here for You” – offering flexible, and adaptable funding. You can find out more here.

Commenting on the local awards Philip Dunne said:

“I know I speak for many people across South Shropshire who are very grateful for the support we continue to receive for community projects. Without this funding many great ventures and voluntary organisations would not be able to improve their operation.

“One great example locally is the rejuvenation of Westhope Village Hall –helped by a £10,000 grant to upgrade and modernise the hall including a new kitchen, toilets, and doors. The project includes improved disabled access and plans to make the building more energy efficient which will make it a better place to hold local events and cut energy costs”.

The National Lottery is also providing funding for activities and events to help communities celebrate His Majesty The King’s Coronation later this year. Groups based in the Ludlow constituency that want to apply should submit their applications now.

Interested Community organisations wanting to apply for funding should click here.