8 January 2007
Ballot papers should be landing on your doorstep today inviting you to vote on the future shape of local government in Shropshire.

I am pleased that both Bridgnorth and South Shropshire district councils supported my call, with all other Shropshire MPs, for ballots to allow the people of Shropshire to have their say.

Most of those in favour of Unitary did not want ballots to happen. Too complicated an issue for people to be able to take in, some said. But I don't subscribe to the belief that 'the man in Shirehall knows best'. Local people are perfectly capable of choosing how they want to be governed.

Well there is now a vote and I hope as many people as possible take part.

I voted against Unitary at South Shropshire District Council. I believe in local democracy and accountability, with decisions taken by elected representatives close to the people who are affected by those decisions.

Unitary authorities in an area as big as Shropshire seem likely to achieve the opposite. More decisions will be taken by unelected officers. More decisions will be taken by councillors with less understanding of local conditions. Rural areas will be even more dominated by urban.

Some say it is inevitable and the only way to keep control of costs. I have studied the case in favour, undoubtedly some savings could be made, but most could be achieved through closer co-operation between councils without losing the democratic connection with residents whom councillors serve.

Unitary is not inevitable, your voice will count. I urge you to vote for Enhanced Two Tier and against Unitary in the ballot.