30 July 2007
With attention focussed quite rightly on the terrible floods and widespread damage they have caused, two very important decisions were taken last week which did not get as much local coverage as they otherwise might.

Shropshire County PCT's board last week decided to lift the threat of closure which had overhung both our community hospitals in Bishop's Castle and Ludlow. Two years ago all three community hospitals in the Ludlow constituency were put on notice that part or all may have to close. This sparked a wave of protest across South Shropshire and Bridgnorth, of a scale not seen for decades.

NHS cuts under Gordon Brown were prompted by financial deficits in many NHS trusts across the country. In Shropshire after three years of losses, deficits are now getting under control.

The PCT had planned to close Bishop's Castle community hospital in favour of a redeveloped residential and nursing home with rehabilitation beds managed by the local GPs and outpatient clinics. This scheme has been dropped after prolonged negotiations failed.

The PCT has also dropped its demand for savings which threatened the hospital's viability. Instead they have agreed to invest in modest refurbishment.

In Ludlow threatened closure of the Clee ward has also been lifted. The PCT has also backed plans originally suggested by the hospital's League of Friends and endorsed by the District Council, the Town Council and local GPs, to apply to NHS bosses for Ludlow hospital to be a national pilot in an innovative partnership between the NHS, other healthcare providers and local voluntary and community groups.

This pilot could lead to government funding for a major investment in healthcare in Ludlow to safeguard and modernise the hospital and bring the GP surgeries and other providers onto the same site.

Our local communities have fought to save our hospitals. The campaign is not over, but these two crucial steps forward should be applauded.