3 April 2006
Farmers are suffering thanks to Government incompetence. Ongoing chaos at the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) was finally admitted by Ministers last week.

The RPA was set up to deliver new agricultural support in England, following CAP reforms. Government ignored industry warnings about an overly complex system being set up too quickly, at the same time as cutting staff and closing offices. Yet Government ploughed on, regularly claiming to be under control.

But the reality was a catalogue of management blunders. Only a tiny proportion of farmers received the support payments to which they are entitled, and on which they rely, by the Government's own deferred deadline last Friday. While in Wales, after an 80% interim payment, all have now been paid in full.

The impact on Shropshire farmers is severe. Delays in support payments force farmers into more debt to keep their business going. Meanwhile Government sits on EU cash received to fund these payments.

It is a busy time on livestock farms. Tenants had to pay their rents last week. Many farmers just cannot cope with extra stress of financial pressure and sorting out the mass of error-strewn maps and complex paperwork from the RPA.

For some, tragically, the pressure has over-whelmed them. The Rural Stress Network in the West Midlands has seen its case-load more than double. They came to see me in Parliament and told of one farmer who had taken his own life.

DEFRA Ministers must act now before others are driven to such despair.