27 April 2007
South Shropshire District Council decided last night to defer until after next week's election consideration of its working group's preliminary views on how the Council would fare with Enhanced Two Tier working.

This decision came after retiring councillor and local MP, Philip Dunne, pointed out the contradictions of the Administration's position.

He said today: "Barely a month after the Government funding settlement allowed South Shropshire to freeze Council Tax for this year, the LibDems claimed last night that: 'the present level of services delivered in the present manner are not sustainable'. As they believed this last month I asked Council Leader Heather Kidd how in all conscience her group could have proposed a zero Council Tax rise. She could not answer.

The LibDem legacy to South Shropshire is that they have spent all the Council's reserves, levied the highest Council Tax and now admit the Council is bust. What a record! They don't deserve a second chance next week, particularly since everyone of them is standing to scrap the District Council."

Under the LibDems South Shropshire now has the highest Council Tax in the West Midlands (£1,443 per Band D property). The increase in the past 10 years has been the second highest in the whole country (£796 per Band D property), only beaten by another LibDem run council (Kingston-on-Thames).

Conservative Group Leader Cllr Celia Motley said: "I would like to thank all 8 councillors retiring from SSDC at next week's election for the work they have done, in some cases for many years. I hope next week we will have enough councillors opposed to scrapping the District Council to put a stop to this denial of democracy."