22 January 2007
Philip Dunne was seen supporting the Woodland Trust's Christmas Card recycling scheme when he dropped his cards at the collection point at Tesco's in Ludlow last week.

90 million cards is the target that has been set by the Woodland Trust and Recycle Now, aiming to beat the public's record recycling efforts last year which saw 82 million cards (a 41% increase on the previous year) recycled during January 2006.

Mr Dunne said "Funds raised through this scheme will help the Woodland Trust save woods and trees, and help cuts down on the amount of waste that traditionally gets binned at this time of year. The collection bins are available at the participating stores until the end of this month."

All the cards collected during the campaign are taken to paper mills where they are recycled into new paper products, with the money raised helping the Woodland Trust to save woods and trees.

Photo: Philip Dunne MP recycles his Christmas Cards at Tesco's Store, Corve Street, Ludlow