18 July 2007
Philip Dunne comments on today's announcement that the proposed replacement of Bishop's Castle Community Hospital by an enlarged nursing home has been shelved.Commenting on today's announcement that the proposed replacement of Bishop's Castle Community Hospital by an enlarged nursing home has been shelved, local MP Philip Dunne who has campaigned for our community hospitals in Shropshire said today:

"I have been working with local community leaders to try to find a secure future for continued provision of healthcare services in Bishop's Castle. Today's announcement is no surprise given the protracted negotiations over the future of the community hospital. I am pleased to note Coverage Care's continued commitment to its existing facilities.

I have called for some time for a Plan B, so that patients, staff and the local community can be assured that the hospital in Bishop's Castle has a lasting future. I hope now the PCT board will commit publicly at its meeting next week to remove the shadow of closure which has been hanging over the hospital for the last couple of years and confirm a secure future for local healthcare provision to serve the community in the Bishop's Castle area."